All Christianity concentrates on the man at the cross-roads. ~G.K. Chesterton
An English teacher did not invent the sacred rule of fiction writing, Show, Don’t Tell.
God did.
It was his voice that first cried, “Don’t tell me what you believe is true, show me.” At the end of the journey we won’t be asked to recite a creed, we will listen to the story of our lives.
And as the plot unfolds, we will remember every moment, each encounter as a fork in the road. The tension will build as the story is told–did we walk in truth, or did we live a lie? Did we choose the path to the wisdom, character and purposes of God as revealed in Jesus, or did we pursue a dead end?
The road always divides, even now. At the end of this page an errand will be run, a person will walk in, a thought will cross our minds. If we listen carefully we can hear an urgent voice on the wind…live truth every moment of this day.
10 Ways to live truth
- Choose mercy over judgment.
- Choose kindness over indifference.
- Choose generosity over greed.
- Choose humility over self-importance.
- Choose forgiveness over disengagement.
- Choose trust over worry.
- Be self-giving, not self-serving.
- Be hospitable, not hostile.
- Be an encourager, not a competitor.
- Be slow to anger, not easily provoked.
- Be teachable, not unyielding.
- Say yes to God at every turn.
Which path will you take today?
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Matthew 25:31-46 James 2:26

10 replies on “12 Ways To Live Truth”
Aah, methinks I see some Nouwen in this. As usual, Janet, lovely. Thanks.
Ah, you caught the “hospitality” versus “hostility”. Good eye, Robert!
So timely for me Janet! Thank you. Just when I think I am on the “right path”, another fork appears and I am challenged to live into His truth in a different way. Thanks for encouraging me to be intentional in all my choices. Love you!!
Love you too, MB!
Lovely thoughts today Janet. Thanks for sharing. And a reminder that every moment of the day we come to a fork and have a choice of how to respond… How to love, how to give and how to support.
Great to see you on here, Marty! “how to love, how to give, and how to support”. I will carry that with me today.
Kindness vs indifference …traveling on public transit I see this a lot. Yesterday though I watched a elderly man struggle to move his wheelchair up the ramp to board the bus. Out of the crowd came the most unlikely looking boy of 20 yrs old or so who pulled the chair up with one swift move. Swift and without one moment of hesitation. I felt such a sting that I….the nurse just stood there and watched him struggle. When we think we would “never” do that …Thank goodness for this boy and for grace. Love you Haber
“I felt such a sting.” So did I–a beautiful story. Thank you, Patti.
Haber is the new name my kindle gave you. So sorry about that! Technology wins again!
I was ready to believe you ended with something really profound…;-)