What a fool believes, he sees. ~The Doobie Brothers
Lie #1: There is not enough.
- Not enough love.
- Not enough approval.
- Not enough attention.
- Not enough stuff.
Life is limited and there is enough of nothing to go around.
Lie #2: No one is in charge.
Therefore it is up to you to grab for what you need in this not-enough, crazy-making reality. Look at the people around you–they are your enemies, your competitors in the race to survive. Position yourself accordingly.
Do you hear the lies?
I invite you to voice the lies aloud, with conviction, “There is not enough, No one is in charge.” Do it again, shouting if you need to. How deeply imbedded are they in your approach to life? If no one is in charge, then you’d better be. If there is not enough, then you must grab for what you can.
I pay the price when I embrace these false assumptions. I simmer in worry and mistrust, assuming hostility and competition. I live as if I must at least try to steer the world. All because I believe what is not true and ignore the patient reminder,
Forget me not!
The LORD looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God. Psalm 14: 2
How have these lies or other lies affected you? How would your life be different if you embraced their opposite?

6 replies on “2 Lies That Will Ruin Your Day”
Unfortunately, even the Church has deftly adopted this motif in our culture. Thanks for this good and helpful reminder.
Yes, Robert, it seems to me that the primary purpose of worship is to remind us of the lies’ opposites!
These lies have really tripped me up at times. We women can be really good at being competitive and comparing ourselves to one another (which is always a deadly trap). And in ministry, it’s easy to get sucked into the lie that we have to be bigger, better, etc. than other ministries, otherwise somehow what we’re doing is not valuable.
When I listen to these lies and live as though they are true, the only one who gets the glory is Satan. Thanks for the “Forget-me-not” reminder! I’m listening for God’s voice of truth today.
Amen, Linda!Shouting them out loud reveals their ugliness to me. Now, to shout the opposite!
I found that after voicing them outloud I needed to quickly shout the opposite! He IS enough and He IS in charge. Oh that I would live as if I believed that…
I had the same experience, MB!