This is the way; walk in it. ~Isaiah 30:21
God hates lies, deceit, treachery, hypocrisy, pretense, flattery, slander, slurs, oath-breaking. The oh-so-close, just a bit off, slight twist of truth is what God especially loathes; almost-originals are the most effective counterfeits.
Why does God hate lies? Because any lie is ultimately about him.
Truth involves far more than accuracy–facts can easily be manipulated, actions and attitudes too often shout the opposite of our words. How does the Bible picture truth?
Truth is:
- A PATH: A way to follow, a voice to obey, a Person to know. The way things really work.
- A ROCK: God’s character–faithful, dependable, trustworthy, consistent. The way things really are.
- A GOAL: God’s plan and desire for all he has made–restoration, new life, another chance. The way things really will be.
God commands his people, “Act like I do, be like I am, want what I want.” That is truth.
But how do we know? It is easy to be
- bewildered by what God does
- baffled about who he is
- unclear what he wants of and for us.
God’s answer is Jesus, who declares, I am the path, the character, the plan. Take Jesus seriously–not the Jesus you imagine, not just doctrine about him, not just the religion that claims his name.
Know Jesus–by his Spirit, through his Word, in the lives of his people–and you will know truth.
So what is truth?
If your heart is open to Jesus, your ears listening for his voice, your feet willing to follow, your eyes alert to his movement, your hands quick to serve him, your words reflecting his qualities, your character one he can count on, your determination to seek his way,
you will know.
A few verses to check out: Psalm 25:4-5 Psalm 33:4-5, 11 Isaiah 11:1-9; 45:19 Jeremiah 7:28 John 8:31-32; 16:13; 18:37 1 Peter 1:22 (In the OT the Hebrew word for truth is often translated faithfulness).

6 replies on “3 Things Truth Is”
Thanks, Janet. I went to the first verse you listed: Psalm 25:4-5….”Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in our truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” I have been seeking God’s truth about everything that is going on right now, but my hope has been placed on our own strength to do everything, on the housing market, etc. But my hope is in God all day long!
Deb, thank you for the reminder back to me. Blessings on your hope-filled day.
This is the only truth I deeply desire!
A lifelong journey….the only path.
Thank you J for your heart, your time to share.
“A lifelong journey,” a great, humble perspective. Thanks, Laurie.
I just learned an interest factoid – on the wall of the CIA are the words from John 8:32, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Seems rather ironic, doesn’t it? 🙂
Ironic, yes! I would love to hear the story behind that, Linda. Thanks for the factoid.