We read to know we are not alone. ~C.S. Lewis
Last April I pushed the “publish” button on my first blog post and peered into the distance. At post #100 (wise gurus advised) my writing would maybe be worth reading. I am at #95 and taking a moment to say… Thank you!
- Thank you for reading
- Thank you for commenting, sharing, liking or tweeting,
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All of which will help others find their way here.
Blog writing is a bit like making music in a subway station. We play our heart out and hope that somewhere in the distracted rush of humanity one head turns, one eyebrow lifts in surprise, one weary soul is refreshed… Today I offer two gifts to you, the readers who stop and “listen” and sometimes hum along.
Gift #1: Advent Reflections
Twelve Gifts of Advent will be featured on my blog Dec 2-28. Twelve moments of stillness in the midst of the frantic clamor, we will uncover the gifts often hidden by the season’s glittery wrapping. Why not share my link, https://janetchanson.com/, to others who may want to join us during Advent? If friends or family avoid the internet, the green button at the bottom of each page allows you to e-mail them that day’s post.
Gift #2: A Book I Love
Love getting a free book? I love giving them! The first 10 new subscribers to e-mail between now and Sunday get their names put in a hat. The winner will receive your choice of one of the 15 Books That Found Me we’ve feasted on these past months. OR a gift certificate to choose one of your own. If you are already a subscriber, invite a friend to subscribe and take the credit (you can reply to your e-mail notification). Both your names will go in the hat. It’s easy to subscribe. Scroll up this page and look to the right of the picture.
C.S. Lewis once wrote,
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.
Exactly my hope and intention for this blog. Will you help me get there?
Thanks again for being one who stops and hums along.
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8 replies on “Advent And An Early Gift”
Love your page Janet! I look forward to your Advent writings.
Thank you, Patsy!
You give a gift every time you post! Precious gifts to last a lifetime! Thank you!
Thanks, Ginny!
Your quotes and pictures with your comments really imprint my heart…thank you.
Thanks for reading, Karen!
Wow! time flies!!! Well done my friend!!! I love the “voice” the Lord has given you and I also love that you’re sharing that voice with the world! God bless you this Christmas season, with his most precious gifts. I miss you in the usual places but rejoice knowing you’re on the path He has for you.
God bless you too, Joyce! Happy Advent. 😉