Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir
Sarah took up a brush one day and coaxed her fingers to paint the beauty her eyes had noticed. Look to the right to view the lovely result.
Another friend, in response to a difficult move, has listed in her journal, “Five Places To Find Beauty Here,” and walks through an unfamiliar landscape choosing to look when she longs to lament.
Fellow blogger Rebecca posted about cultivating hope as she would a tiny garden, learning to find the unexpected beauty where, at first glance, there seems to be none. You can read Rebecca’s blogpost here.
They are beauty’s advocates.
A life time ago I was a music teacher. Then, as now, in the face of brutal budget cuts and indifferent parents, teachers of the Fine Arts clung together for support. We argued for a child’s need to wrestle with Beethoven, to stand with pride before a clay pot well-shaped, a haiku carefully crafted. Good music, art, and literature remind us we are not machines, nor animals bound to brute instinct and mere survival.
Beauty teaches us to look beyond the obvious, to train our hearts to hope.
Beauty In Ugly Places
Ultimately, the desire for beauty beneath ugly’s smear is a hunger for God, and for a world finally made right. (Revelation 21-22) We are not, the world is not yet what it was designed to be, but there are signs of what is coming. By tending our tiny gardens, by cultivating beautiful, grace-filled, justice-serving, art-making, people-embracing lives we become for others the hint of a new dawn.
But not if we only have eyes for the ugly.
How does your life point to beauty? Where has ugliness blinded you?

5 replies on “Beauty In Ugly Places”
Thank you, Janet. Your words are one place many find beauty.
May you be blessed by beauty today, Laurie.
Beautiful! I am honored that you would mention my blog in conduction with yours. And I am struck by this line, “Beauty teaches us to look beyond the obvious, to train our hearts to hope.” Janet, thank you for sharing your words. They are beautiful chords that resonate deep within our souls.
Your post reminded me of the connection between beauty and hope. Thank you, Rebecca!
Like Jesus said; think on these things…….
We always have a choice and it’s a lot of work…
What is beauty?
I hope for what I cannot yet see and that is filled with beauty.