Christ wants us to face reality as it is, including all the fears, hurts, resentments, and self-protective motives we work hard to keep out of sight, and to emerge as changed people. ~Larry Crabb
Scandinavian genes, New England upbringing, introverted by nature– privacy is fiercely defended territory in my DNA. Add to that a 15-year bout with legalism–the conscious attempt, by outward behavior, to become what I was not–I was in trouble.
When our energies and efforts are directed toward trying to prove we are better than we are, we embrace a lie, and slowly die.
- We pretend to be better (I’m a good person!)
- We pretend we are doing better…
…than the voice of longing and disappointment deep within would claim.
Church people are often the worst. Testimonies are given in the past tense–I once was lost, but now I’m fine, was blind, but now I’ve arrived. So, who is most likely to stay home on a Sunday morning? The empty, doubting and confused or the self-satisfied and full?
When I wasn’t looking, Larry Crabb’s book, Inside Out, slipped right past my PRIVATE, THANKS sign. His words exposed the true motivation behind my pious efforts–to avoid facing my own inner mess.
Change begins when we face the truth:
This life will never be complete. We will never be what we wish we could be. We will hunger and thirst, long for and sigh, disappoint and be hurt as long as we are here. To face that truth is to begin to change.
Come, all you who are weary, who hunger and thirst for what you cannot name. Come, you doubters and sinners, you losers and quitters. Come, you hopeful and despairing, haters and lovers, complainers and grateful. Come to me, the Living Water. In me your thirsty souls will find relief.
(Psalm 63:1 Isaiah 55:1-2 John 4: 13-14; 7:37-38 Revelation 22:17)

8 replies on “Change”
Precisely! Thanks for hitting the mark on this much needed self-reflection. I’ve been there, done that, try not to still be there now. Change really does only come with facing truth…head on!
So glad to not be in this alone, Tammy! Thank you!
Pretending is a dangerous game. The only one you end up fooling is yourself – and that doesn’t usually last long. Even though it involves deep pain at time, I’m so glad God has moved you into the freedom of truly being yourself in Christ. It’s totally worth the price.
I agree, Linda. It is so worth it. Pretending is exhausting…
Pretending is such a torment to your soul. When everyone you talk with is “fine”, it makes you feel like something is wrong with you because your (not fine). Legalism drives you deeper into this black hole of deception. You wonder if everyone in church is really as fine as they say when all the while your falling apart? I’m so glad the church is becoming so real and more people are speaking about their struggles. The Truth does set free…
Amen, Dawn! Thank you for your wisdom.
Janet, I love your thoughts here. We do want to hide so much, and keep our thoughts and struggles private…somehow we want to let others know we have arrived. How silly and sad is that? It is precisely when we are the most vulnerable and honest that Jesus welcomes us and so do our friends!
This is true, Marty. Just the opposite of the lie we believe! Thanks!