I wake expectant, hoping to see a new thing. ~Annie Dillard
Creation performs its extraordinary dance whether or not we choose to attend.
Too often I live in my head, chasing and worrying over ideas like a dog with its chewed-up tail.
I miss so much.
Years ago I flew to Germany for my brother’s wedding, with Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek as my companion. Few write like Dillard, though many try to imitate. Her words shook me awake. I walked through that European visit alert and alive to to every sensible nuance.
As we chased the sunset on the return journey, I stared for hours at what appeared to be enormous trenches cut into the arctic landscape, and looming shadows over a continent. Who was making those shadows? My brain never made sense of what I saw, but I watched, unblinking, for the entire flight.
The gift of wonder
“Vision is a deliberate gift,” Dillard notes. I think of the two meanings of the word.
- Gift: a grace, an ability to strive for.
- Gift: a favor, an offering.
When eyes are open, ears paused to listen, our noses lifted to the breeze, our tongues savoring a taste; when we choose to gently touch, we gift our Maker, we applaud his wonders.
Pause for a moment and pay attention. Without over-thinking, what do your five senses report? A moment ago I walked out my back door and
- saw a dragonfly darting importantly among the flowers,
- heard the soft purr of a hummingbird in flight,
- felt the hot sun on my cheek,
- sniffed the subtle scent of grass,
- tasted the fresh coffee I’d poured in my cup,
And offered it all back for God’s approval.
Stop a moment and tell us what you notice.

8 replies on “The Gift of Wonder Annie Dillard Style”
What a challenge! I notice spots of dirt and little messes as I prepare my house for a showing. What a way to live! Your morning sounds much more restful and full of gratitude.
I like that–“a way to live,” a habit. May we be given the grace.
Oh My Dear Friend,
This is pure beauty!
How rare it is that I simply stop and ‘be’ in all of my senses with Him!
Stopping to recognize His glorious gifts created within me, I can relish His magical offerings that surround!
Thank you for the reminder to ‘be here’ more than not….
Rare for me too, and so, precious to Him! Thanks, Laurie.
Janet, your writings are always so serenely edifying. They leave me encouraged, inspired, uplifted and convicted. Before having read your post for this day, I had made a list of short term goals, one of which was to walk about my yard every day and notice the goings on of the community of flowers, bugs, birds, etc, that live there and/or drop by for a visit. Just to exercise that muscle of appreciation. It was so affirming to then read your “gift of wonder” blog. Thanks!
That affirms me as well! Thank you for sharing it, Katrina. Just now I was noticing a robin pacing back and forth outside my window…
Thanks, Janet. I realize just how much I choose to ignore. While I was reading your post I was listening to my dog scratch at the back door, feeling the chill of the AC that I forgot to turn off, and tasted the warm fresh coffee that I just made. I realize that if it’s easy for me to ignore things that I can see/hear/taste/touch, then how much easier to ignore the things I can’t see.
That is a great point, Claudia. Thank you!