How can we live with brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God’s faithful presence in our lives? ~Henri Nouwen
Why, yes I am irritable and resentful. How did you know?
Was it my acrimonious, annoyed, bitter, boorish, cantankerous, captious, choleric, churlish, contrary, crabby, cranky, crusty, curmudgeonly, fractious, fretful, grouchy, grumpy, peevish, petulant, pugnacious, querulous, sardonic, splenetic, sullen, surly, testy, touchy, viperous, vitriolic, waspish attitude you noticed?
The problem is, I can’t fake a more agreeable, calm, cheerful, content, forgiving, friendly, grateful, happy, relaxed, at-peace demeanor.
Irritable and resentful are not compatible with Love.
Relief For The Irritable Or Resentful:
I know, dear heart, that your outward trials are painful and bitter.
And I know also that the Lord is able to sustain you through them and make you able to stand your ground.
O that you could dwell in the knowledge and sense of this: the Lord sees your sufferings with an eye of pity and also is able to achieve some good through them. He is able to bring life and wisdom to you through your trials. He will one day give you dominion over that which grieves and afflicts you.
Therefore, do not be grieved at your situation or be discontented.
Do not look at the difficulty of your condition, but instead, when the storm rages against you, look up to him who can give you patience and can lift you head over it all and cause you to grow.
If the Lord did not help us with his mighty arm, how often would we fall! If God helps you in proportion to your problems, you should have no reason to complain, but rather to bless his name.
God is exceedingly good and gracious and tender-hearted. He does not turn away from the affliction of his people in any way.
This I share in tender love towards you, with breathings to our Father, that his pleasant plant may not be crushed in you by the foot of pride or violence, but instead, may overgrow it and flourish the more because of it.
From Letters On Spiritual Virtues, Isaac Penington (1617-1680)
When you are irritable or resentful, where you find relief?
This is post seven of our Lent To Love: A Return to the Source series on 1 Corinthians 13. Join us on the journey to Easter! Subscribing to e-mail is easy–scroll on up the page and turn right.
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4 replies on “Are You Irritable And Resentful?”
Janet, today’s devotion on irritability and resentment pierced my heart., and at the same time reminded me again that I lack patience, and must return to the well of the Living Water to help me manage “the long goodbye” of my beloved spouse. Thank you for all that you write.
Carla, I am praying for deep comfort and refreshment in the midst of your pain. Thank you for sharing.
When I’m irritable and resentful, I find relief in solitude. Time
with my Daddy who leads me by the still waters and restores
my soul. Laying my head on his shoulder of love & comfort.
Dawn, your words remind me of the Nouwen quote above. Thank you.