The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~Marcel Proust
Here I go! Today I fly to the south of France for a plein air painting workshop. I’ll spend two weeks peering at poppy fields and vineyards, castles and Roman ruins. And, after I’ve gazed, squinted, breathed, looked around me nervously, I will dip a brush in oily color and….
My teacher is great, but I’m a rookie among hall of famers. A friend posted this quote for me yesterday, “Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.” (Edgar Degas). I think Degas was right. I’m in the Junior T-ball stage, I can’t fail, and there’s a juice box and fist bump waiting at the end of every effort.
So far I have:
Practiced Sketching
And Mixing Colors
Created My Values
And Packed My Paint Supplies
Blogging In France?
I hope I will. But more than that, I hope to savor every moment of this gift. Traveling teaches us to pay attention, to look at the world through less smeary lenses. I leave, already repentant for daily graces I seldom notice, the kindness of God reflected in ordinary moments, and people I walk past every day.
I go to France to learn to paint. I go to France to learn to say “Merci beaucoup” more often when I return.
What has travel taught you?

10 replies on “Je Vais En France Aujourd’hui”
J’espaire que tu aurais un bon voyage et experience grande en France! Que Dieu te benisse profondement!
Gross bisses,
Marie Helene
Merci, mon amie!
Travel has taught me so many things… but mostly perspective. Travel is adventure, wonder and beauty with a dose of despair and angst when encountering poverty and need. There is a big wide world that is amazingly different and similar to mine! Enjoy!
Beautifully put, Julie!
Travel has taught me .. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world!
Pack light .. Enjoy the the culture .. Do not buy much .. Breathe deeply .. Relax.
Travel envy is real.
Know the language .. and laugh LATER when your husband gets it wrong!
True story in Bordeaux .. “Ferme La bouche” Does NOT mean “Close the door”!
The Lord is with me wherever I go .. He is at far reaches or close beaches!
The Lord goes before me and prepares all things .. It will be full and wonderful!
Nothing is more precious than being and doing what He wants of me .. Anywhere!
If it is in Europe! .. Especially the south of France! .. Than so be it!
Je vous en prie
Merci Ginny!
Blessings on your way – safe travel. May this be a door opening to ideas and creativity you never knew existed. Enjoy every moment..savor the poppies and morre as you drink deeply of God’s love and grace. Hugs!
Thank you, Karen. Hugs and love to you!
Travel to Columbia, SC to visit my daughter, Lisa, and her family has taught me to be respectful of Lisa’s way of doing things in her home and to respect her and her families boundaries and privacy. I tend at times to view Lisa as the teen-aged daughter she once was and give her my opinions on house keeping and be lax on being respecful of her privacy.
Vacation travel has taught me that not all destinations are like CA in culture and mores. I have leaned not insist on my way, but be a respective visitor – not critical or demanding. To go with the flow.
Praying for you: for safety in travel and a wonderful experience in France.
Go to see you and hear your talk at Hillside Covenant Spice last Tuesday.
Sylvie, these are great insights, and it was great to see you too!