Stubbornness we deprecate, firmness we condone. The former is our neighbor’s trait, the latter is our own. ~John Wooden
Why? My way is better. I have expertise and insight, my track record speaks for itself. While you were drooling in diapers I was moving mountains. It will all end better if you let me have my way.
Why? It’s more convenient for me. I’ve got everything mapped out to get from here to there. A scenic detour will mean more effort and long delays. We will get there faster if you let me have my way.
Why? I don’t trust your ability to make good decisions. In the past you’ve made some real bloopers, and no doubt you’ll make a few more. Face it, your critical thinking skills are fuzzy. I insist, let me have my way.
Why? I’m afraid, so great is my need to be admired, to manage my image and maintain my grip on the rudder. I’ll lose respect if I give you free will. I insist on everything going my way,
So you won’t be free to. Yours truly, the God you would invent.
Because God does not insist on his own way we can stop insisting on ours.
The Unstubborn Way Of Love
Our self-will is so subtle and so deeply rooted within our own selves and defends itself with so many reasons, that when we try to fight against it, we manage to lose in the end. We end up doing our own will under many covers–of charity, of necessity, or of justice.
But God’s love wills to stand naked and without any cover since it has nothing to hide.
I have seen this love. Indeed, every day I feel myself more occupied with him, and I feel a greater fire within. It is as if I have given the keys of my house to Love with permission to do all that is necessary.
May this be our prayer: “I do not want to turn my eyes from you, O God. There I want them to stay and not move no matter what happens to me, within or without.”
For those who trust in God need not worry about themselves.
From Life And Teachings by Catherine of Genoa (1447-1550)
Do you struggle to let go of control?
This is post six of our Lent To Love: A Return to the Source series on 1 Corinthians 13. Join us on the journey to Easter! Subscribing to e-mail is easy–scroll on up the page and turn right.
Photograph by MC Hunt

11 replies on “Love Does Not Insist On Its Own Way”
Surrender, and giving up control were the most difficult pieces for me, because it required unconditional trust and for me trust was something that was far too risky, for any situation. But then I realized that I had placed God in the same arena as those who caused me to not trust others, and that moment was when I realized what I truly and wholeheartedly knew, and that God is not defined by who we as humans are, but by who He is, and what He has done for us.
Amen, Lindsay. Many of us can relate to this. Thank you for sharing!
Lindsay, I love what you say! I love what you realize! (Me, too!) Be patient with my play on words……..(You may roll your eyes if you wish, and I will laugh with you) , but isn’t the gift of being able to see what is real in God’s eyes the gift of being given realeyes?……to realize… Blessed are the eyes that see!! Love to you, Mary
Blessed are eyes that see! True at so many levels! Thanks, Mary!
Love what Lindsay and Mary wrote. (I agree). Especially how we tend to
reserve our trust in God like we do with people around us.
I run into the arms of Jesus after I am bruised and battered
from trusting in my own strength and there I find rest. He reminds me
That His ways and thoughts are higher than mine. I cannot always
Know or understand but I can trust in a sovereign God who does.
“bruised and battered from trusting in my own strength”–well said, Dawn.
As I’ve found consistent with you, your insights are profound and challenge me. And you’ve really whet my interest in reading more of Catherine of Genoa! Thank you!
M.E., her wisdom reminds me why writers need to write! Hundreds of years later, we are blessed.
I struggle with letting go of control all the time. I am so fearful of what would happen if I loosen my iron grip of control to God. I will feel like a free fall and I don’t know where I will land. I know in my head that I will land in God’s arms, I will be at peace, not so stressed and anxious. Lord, help my heart to grasp this peace of letting go.
I once had a dream I was free-falling, just as you describe. Turns out I landed in God’s hands. You will too, Sylvie. Hugs to you!
Breakfast with Santa! Saturday, December 1st from 9-11AMOssian United Methodist Church201 W. Mill Street in Ossian, In 46777Come have pancakes, decloiius egg casseroles, smoky links, cereal, donuts, dutch crunch dessert, Coffee, milk and juice something for everyoneHave your children’s picture taken with Santa and then they can shop in the Elf Store for their family members. Elves will be available to help them shop so they can keep it a surprise! All gifts are $2 and gift wrapping is included. This is a fun, holiday event sponsored by the Norwell High School Show ChoirSee you there!