A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day. ~Emily Dickinson
Words. They are as essential as blood and bone to human life. But they damn and damage as well.
Blessing and nourishment, ruin and desolation, words are both remedy and weapon.
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Proverbs 12:18).
Words kill…and beautifully heal.
Do you ever wonder if vitriol is now our favorite past-time? Clicking between news channels, reading Internet comment threads–even (especially?) when the topic is religion–opinions collide in a never ending cage fight for the entertainment of the crowd.
But deleting all offense can produce a kind of pious pablum. Does spreading verbal cool whip, a lot of nice-nothing over everything make it any better?
Jesus reminds us: On the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak (Matthew 12:36).
The Greek can also be translated useless.
At the end of all things, our words will be held up to the light and judged by the ripples. Vicious rants haunt for generations, meaningless chatter masks deadly malaise, yet entire nations are transformed by a few well-spoken phrases.
Life-giving words are God’s well-worn tools, and he entrusts them to our clumsy efforts.
Making Every Word Count
When I boldly speak, I later second-guess every syllable. When I determine to be quiet, my voice takes on a babbling life of its own. How do I know in the moment whether to be outspoken, subtle or silent? Is this your struggle too?
A proposal: Before speaking, or pushing send, or posting a comment, ask the divine editor to red-circle your motive. Is it…
- to encourage or to score a point?
- to seek another’s highest good, or your own self-interest?
- to draw others to the light or to sneer into their darkness?
What questions would you add? What has helped you know what to say in the moment?

2 replies on “Making Every Word Count”
“I have often been made a fool having spoken. I have never been made a fool having remained silent.” Abba Antony of Egypt
So true! Words are so powerful and can make
or break every relationship we have. There are
kind words that have been spoken to me that I’ll always
treasure; and hateful words that sting to this