Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; love so amazing so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. ~ Isaac Watts
Is love ever wasted?
We don’t know her name. We’re given a glimpse, we bump into her a few days before Jesus’ crucifixion in a healed leper’s home. But her astonishing act resounds through the long years, a theme song for the gospel of grace.
But not forgotten.
A woman enters the room carrying an alabaster jar filled with imported ointment so costly it would take a year of labor to earn its price. A collective gasp fills the room as she breaks open the jar, pouring the luxurious contents over Jesus’ head.
“What are you doing?” they chastise her, shocked at the pointless waste of alabaster and pure nard. “Leave her alone, she has done a beautiful thing to me, ” Jesus rebukes them back.
They shut their mouths, confused.
Why is Jesus so grateful for her gift? Why does he celebrate what seems like pointless waste? While evil plots and circles, while death turns its cold gaze, while even close friends doubt Jesus’ claims, this unidentified woman proclaims, without a word, God’s evil-shattering plan.
Faith, Hope And Love
In Faith that Jesus is worthy of her unwavering trust, she breaks open the bottle and anoints him as Messiah.
In Hope, that God will have the final word, she breaks open the bottle and anoints Jesus for his burial.
In Love, so costly and unexpected it foreshadows the Cross, she breaks open the bottle and pours out everything she has in gratitude to the one who will soon do the same for the world.
Not many years later, Paul writes 1 Corinthians 13 to teach us the stanzas of the same three-part song. Now faith, hope and love abide, these three.
Will you follow her lead?
What better time than now? What better week than this holy one? Leave aside your doubting and untrusting ways. Pick up your alabaster jar, the one that contains your afraid-to-love-heart.
Break it wide open for love of the Savior, whose life was poured out for you.
Will you love extravagantly even if you’re criticized by the crowd?
Mark 14:1-9
This is post seventeen of our Lent To Love: A Return to the Source series on 1 Corinthians 13. Join us on the journey to Easter.
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11 replies on “One Anonymous Act Of Faith, Hope And Love”
This is my key passage for teaching on the centrality and extravagant waste of time worship is meant to be. We may gain nothing from the act. But we give everything to the One who has already done so on our behalf and, in so doing, gain not just our souls, but the whole world as well.
Robert, thank you. The “pure nard” for many of us is our time.
That is quite true…sadly. It’s one of the primary reasons I love the Church calendar – it redeems time as communal and sacred.
I love this post…so succinct and yet so profound. Thank you, Janet!
You’re welcome, Mary Ellen!
Loving extravagantly .. Pour out love !!
Listening only to The Lord .. Knowing we will be criticized !!
.. be happy and do good ..
The Lord has done great things for us! .. We are filled with joy!
Ecclesiastes 3:12 Psalm 126:3
Amen, Ginny!
What a wonderful challenge. I pray that I would love like this.
I pray the same for me, Deb.
My Chris Tiegreen devotional for today was on this same story: “A vessel broken so that its treasure might be devoted to Jesus is the kind of sacrifice that pleases Him. It is what He asks of us, and it is a fragrant aroma to Him. It is a beautiful thing.”
May God in His mercy allow me to know His love for me and trust that love enough to pour myself out for Him.
Have a blessed Easter, Janet.
And you as well, Sylivie. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quote.