There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. ~Brother Lawrence
Practice God’s Presence
Pray remember what I have recommended to you, which is, to think often on God, by day, by night, in your diversions. He is always near you and with you; leave Him not alone.
You would think it rude to leave a friend alone who came to visit you; why then, must God be neglected?
Do not, then, forget Him, but think on Him often, adore Him continually, live and die with Him; this is the glorious employment of a Christian.
Brother Lawrence, from  The Practice of the Presence of God.
Brother Lawrence c.1614-1691
Born Nicholas Herman, Brother Lawrence began his career as a soldier and footman. Unschooled, known to be clumsy and awkward, the young man entered a carmelite monastery in Paris as a lay brother, intending to sacrifice his life in penance for his faults and failures. Instead, Brother Lawrence found the joy and delight of living every moment, performing the most menial of tasks in the presence of, and for the love of, God.
Interlaken, Switzerland, photograph by Jamie Sladkey

4 replies on “Sabbath Quiet: Practice God’s Presence”
Beautiful simplicity…
As basic and necessary as the air we breathe…
BUT, He gives the choice!
Truth and life.
Thank you J!
Imagine choosing not to breathe, Laurie. Yet we do…
Larry boy is a wonderful example of what de Caussade calls “the sacrament of the present moment” and what Meister Eckhart, Bonhoeffer and Kirkegaard, among others, describe as the “one thing” or “audience of one”…
I think Kierkegaard is going to have his say one of these Sundays…blessings to you, Robert.