I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
Gratitude And The Giver
Thank you, God, for everything, the big things and the small,
For every good gift comes from God, the giver of them all.
And so at this time we offer up a prayer to thank you, God for giving us a lot more than our share.
First, thank you for the little things that often come our way, the things we take for granted and don’t mention when we pray,
The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed, a hand reached out to help us in the time of sudden need.
Then thank you for the miracles we are much too blind to see, and give us new awareness of our many gifts from Thee.
And help us to remember that the key to life and living is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks and each day a day of thanksgiving.
~ Helen Steiner Rice
Accept With Gratitude
Accept with gratitude everything that God allows from within or without, from friend or enemy, in nature or in grace, to remind you of your need for humbling and to help you in it.
Reckon humility to be the mother-virtue, your very first duty before God, the one perpetual safeguard of the soul, and set your heart upon it as the source of all blessing.
The promise is divine and sure: He that humbles himself shall be exalted. See that you do the one thing that God asks, and He will see that He does the one thing He has promised. He will give more grace; He will exalt you in due time.
~Andrew Murray, Humility
Do you notice the relationship between gratitude and humility as you look at your life?
Photograph by MC Hunt

2 replies on “Sabbath Quiet: Humble Gratitude”
I am realizing more the need to be rooted faithfully in humility and gratitude.
This feels tender and sweet and precious. Something to treasure in my heart.
Amen, Ginny.