I miss my time with you. ~God
You have loved us first, O God, alas! We speak of it in terms of history as if You have only loved us first but a single time, rather than that without ceasing You have loved us first many times and every day and our whole life through.
When we wake up in the morning and turn our soul toward You–You are the first–You have loved us first; if I rise at dawn and at the same second turn my soul toward You in prayer, You are there ahead of me, You have loved me first.
When I withdraw from the distractions of the day and turn my soul toward You, You are the first and thus forever. And yet we always speak ungratefully as if You have loved us first only once.
Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher (1813-1855)

10 replies on “Sabbath Quiet: Loved First”
Indeed! It is quite humbling to be reminded of how often I fail to see. Thank you for the vision adjustment.
Me, too, Rebecca.
Thanks for the moment to stop and refresh my friend!
Always good to see you here, Joyce!
Kirkegaard is at the head of the ‘seek One thing’ parade. Thanks for this, Janet.
“Purity of heart is the will one thing” or something like that. 😉
The first time I read this quote by Kierkegaard it was such an unexpected and delightful refreshment for my thirsty soul. Each time I hear it again, it continues to delight. Kiergefaard also said that life can only be understood looking backward but must be lived forward………What great bookends!…Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith…we (co laboring with Him) working out the salvation He puts in…..to enter His rest.
Thank you, Mary–what I needed to hear today. It’s great to see you here!
…….I misspelled Kierkegaard the second time …..so sorry
A very misspellable name!