
Sabbath Quiet: River Flow

A river reaches places which its source never knows. ~Oswald Chambers

River flow

A River of Blessing

A river is victoriously persistent, overcoming all barriers.

For a while it goes steadily on its course, but then comes to an obstacle. And for a while it is blocked, yet it soon makes a pathway around the obstacle.

Or a river will drop out of sight for miles, only later to emerge again even broader and greater than ever.

Do you see God using the lives of others, but an obstacle has come into your life and you do not seem to be of any use to God?

Then keep paying attention to the Source, and God will either take you around the obstacle or remove it.

The river of the Spirit of God overcomes all obstacles.

Never focus your eyes on the obstacle or the difficulty.

The obstacle will be a matter of total indifference to the river that will flow steadily through you if you will simply remember to stay focused on the Source.

Never allow anything to come between you and Jesus Christ–not emotion nor experience–nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest

Photo: Munich, Germany by Laura Windes

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