I have learned that the most important difference between people is between those for whom life is a quest and those for whom it is not. ~ Walter Percy
The dawn is a mere hint as I force myself from beneath warm covers and stand under a hot shower long enough to convince my brain I mean it.
The coffee maker hisses with one touch of a button. I light the fire and my work day begins. If I’m going to write, it’s pointless to waffle, to list my excuses to the rising sun.
Commit or quit.
Eight days into the new year, I have obeyed. Eight days better than nothing, I am launched on a journey. I am, like Bilbo Baggins, off on an adventure, and my map is still unfolding. The treasure I seek? The only goal worth pursuing: To draw close to the Father, respond gladly to the Spirit, and more truly resemble the Son.
For some reason, God is using my own typing to remind me of the way.
Your conversion, however, may take a different shape.
Where Your Treasure Is
To become a Christian is not to arrive (“I’ve made it!”) but to set out (I’ve found the path!) on a journey to discover the treasure every molecule of you was made for–to love God and enjoy him forever.
Inevitably, we turn aside to run toward a mirage. My glittering illusion is called Independence. Self-sufficiency. A dark, twisted way where I am the guide.
But I’ve turned around…again. So will you, if you realize:
- Your only true love, your only true friend, your only true king,
- The only relief for your thirst,
- The only sate for your hunger,
- The only source of the joy you are missing,
- The only provider for your need,
- The only treasure worth seeking,
is God.
No, of course you don’t believe it. Your eyes are distracted by other offers. All you’re asked to do is turn and, forsaking other paths, walk toward your Treasure. He will show you the way.
Have you been looking for treasure where it can’t be found? How is God converting you?
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3 replies on “Searching For Treasure”
My undergrad degree was from the vantage of “I’ve arrived. Let’s study this place.” My master’s degree was from the vantage of “I’ve been shown the trailhead. Let’s see where it leads.” I prefer the latter. In Christ, we’re becoming who we are. Thanks be to God.
“Becoming who we are.” A great description of the life of faith!
Beautiful – journey on!