Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she has wings. ~Victor Hugo
A songbird perches on the highest branch of my neighbor’s tree, thrilling me with its tale.
What does it cry? What lyrics attend the anonymous melody? If I knew the words, I could sing along.
“All nature sings and around me rings the music of the spheres,” the hymnist observed. “The birds their carols raise, the morning light, the lily white declare their Maker’s praise.”
Why is my tongue so silent? What ancient wound has left humans, alone of all creation, mute and turned inward, singing our bitter songs of injury and offense? Why don’t wanderers and poets hike through forest and meadow to hear our songs, to receive our blessing, to catch a glimpse of the One in whose image we are made?
One day, with camera in hand, I rambled through an alpine meadow. With every slight turn of my head the mountains, trees, grasses, wildflowers and lake bent toward me–“over here, don’t miss this scene!” The distasteful task of self-promotion was my morning’s struggle–the curse of the introvert with writing to share. To say, “look at me” or “see what I’ve done” seemed wrong. To remain hidden, more humble. I heard a whisper,
Look around, this is what redeemed self-promotion looks like. Who is getting the glory?
I paused, attentive. Sun-splattered leaf, petal and pine cone, rock and dancing water–all in one voice sang a wordless hymn to their Creator. “Look at me! He made me!”
Songbird Sing
- Melanie lifts her head and points her camera at shy creatures only she, with practiced eye can see. Scroll up to see one enchanting result.
- Ginny gathers words, like rare herbs and wild berries, to be crushed through her pain into books of healing and hope. You can find her books here.
- Lily knows mountain peaks by name and laughs with joy from hard-won summits, rehearsing beauty for earthbound ears below.
Songbirds are made to sing.
What song has been given to you to sing? Why do you hold it in, what do you fear?