All occasions invite his mercies, and all times are his seasons. ~John Donne
The sun rises this morning, as it has every day without fail.
When the first slanted rays tease me awake, my heart is still beating, sending oxygen-laden cells to brain and brawn alike.
Gravity still works, the furniture isn’t floating; when I throw off warm covers and plant a foot on the floor, it stays.
The hot water is both hot and wet. The coffee pot perks and the smoky aroma hasn’t changed.
I open the back door and step outside, the ground remains solid beneath my slippers. The azaleas are in showy bloom, Spring following Winter following Autumn…
…without fail.
I breath in cool air, the same cocktail of oxygen and nitrogen (with a few flavorings added) I breathed yesterday. Birds chatter their familiar morning agenda. One of the 920,000+ varieties of Creator-cared-for insects buzzes by.
Water is still clear as it sprinkles the grass. The dog, ever predictable, disdains the lawn’s paw-dampening threat.
Back inside, I find my coffee mug intact, it hasn’t unbaked back to clammy clay. With the first cautious sip, a surge of dependable dopamine courses through my brain.
The sofa squats comfortably where I left it. There, my book lays open, a still-sharpened pencil holds my place, words fill the pages in the same orderly lines as before.
I sit in silence, close my eyes and listen.
I am here, without fail. I haven’t changed, your life is held in my hands. Trust me with your worries. Trust me with each moment. My mercies are new every morning.
Save Worry For Another Day
What worries you? What drags your thoughts into dungeons of dread and concern? How deep are the ruts from pacing the floor of your mind, what if, how long, why not? Is it your:
- Growing prayer list
- Long deferred dreams
- Terrified glance into the future’s crystal ball?
We try to figure life out from the muddled middle, and soon begin to sink. We forget that this morning the sun rose, and will rise again tomorrow, and the next day…
…without fail.
Without fail, are you keeping your eyes on the Faithful One?
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