Unspeakably wise, he is wisely speechless. Filling the world, he lies in a manger. ~Saint Augustine of Hippo
Paradox: What seems to be contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is possibly true.
Paradox: Too good to not be true.
We are the ones protective of Christmas–what does Jesus think of our stiff propriety and shock? His coming has always been a paradox, a scandal to those who want God to behave.
From the beginning, it wasn’t tidy, that first Christmas was more shocking than sweet. Joy and sorrow interwoven, the brush of mighty powers and powerless might.
The Real Christmas Story is paradox
Light overcoming the darkness, hatred flees before love. The losers, the left-behind, the ones who don’t count are suddenly counted as great.
The poor and the shy cross the finish line before the rich and the vain. The wise make way for the foolish, the foolish bow to the wise. The Creator of a frightened young mom becomes her helpless child.
This child, worshipped and gifted by kings, will be the king of all. Rulers will mock him, children will love him, the proud will be broken, the broken made whole. The whole world will change by his coming, a change often hidden from view.
Living The Paradox
Christ doesn’t dwell in a box in the attic, neatly kept safe in the space he’s assigned. He doesn’t hide in stained-glass settings, you can find him in line at the mall. He’s not reserved for perfect people, for Norman Rockwell scenery and Hallmark ideals,
Christ comes to the lonely, the angry, the glad.
He comes to the junkie, the pious, the sad.
He comes in answer to kindness or greed.
He won’t be what we asked for, he’ll be what we need.
Have you experienced the paradox of God?

4 replies on “Third Gift Of Advent: Paradox”
The paradox of God truly is amazing grace! Hope for the hopeless! Love for us!
Born lame and broken .. Growing older I was a more devestated version of destroyed.
He is my hope! He is my grace! He is my love! Thank God He is what we need!
Thank God He came to us as He did! Shocking! Scandle! SAVIOR for us all!
Amen, Ginny!
Janet, I love the poem – esp the last line. “He won’t be what I asked for; He will be what I need.” That gives me hope.
That’s His promise, Sylvie. Hold on to hope.