Faith Life

Hope For A Small Heart

Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of Himself . ~Mother Teresa


Like the Grinch, most of us walk around with a heart two sizes too small.

In the land of the small-hearted, decisions are made based on the questions, “What is the least I can do, what is the minimum requirement, how close can I get and still have it count?”

We are relational bargain hunters and coupon clippers, pleased with our skill at getting something for close to nothing. Forget the high-maintenance and the many, give me the few and the easy–I can only love so much.

Be honest, now. Haven’t you thought it? I’ve heard it from the wise–“even Jesus narrowed it down to a few.” Common sense tells us, “we can’t be all things to all people, no one can love everybody.” True enough. The trouble is that by refusing to love the many, we seldom love the one.

Picture A Balloon

What if our hearts are just as elastic? As a balloon is only as large as what it contains, a heart is only as big as what it loves. When my heart is filled with self, my concerns, convenience, and consumable pleasures, I stumble at love–bumping and bruising myself at every turn.

But when my heart contains God himself–a spacious landscape opens within–nothing and nobody is left despised.

When I was a child we sang these words, “O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee.” I know now this was not a one-time invitation, but a daily emptying of the smaller loves that crowd him out.

Heart Hope

No effort of yours can make your heart grow by three sizes–you will only end up faking it. Trust me, I know. To allow it to be stretched by another, to come small but willing to expand, will work every time.

Try it. Next time you feel put-upon and Grinch-like irritation at the noisy annoyance of others, stop and pray. Fill my heart with you. Stretch and grow me until I can let in all of you, and so the whole, hurting world. Amen.

How about you? Is your heart grinchy or growing today?


11 replies on “Hope For A Small Heart”

Love your expansive thoughts about Love, Janet. You pinpoint a subtle but enormously significant trait that I recognize in my own self-centeredness. It’s easy, without realizing it, be so self-consumed that we turn in on ourselves and, like a black hole, try to suck in what we think we need from those around us. In fact your reference to “bumping and bruising myself” reminds me of my own story of The Crab. I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks.

Yes, I think the message is sinking in….trying to get into my hard head. Those who annoy me will possibly…probably….most certainly…..cause growth in me. *sigh* Okay, God, I.Get.It. Thanks, Janet, for the reminder.

Awww.. another word for me! I’ve struggled with grinch-like feelings, but disguise them well. Meanwhile, deep inside of me, there is almost a vise-like grip on my heart. The idea of allowing God to fill my heart and stretch it, sounds painful… but worth it! Thank you dear friend

Not painful, because it is the God who adores you who fills your heart! I have to remember to just start there…I’m praying for us both, my friend.

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